We conduct business in the sunshine.Throughout the campaign period, each candidate is required by law to file periodic campaign finance reports. In the spirit of open access, and as a service to the citizens of Miami Springs - we will be posting the finance reports for every candidate as they are turned in to the City Clerk’s Office. The first report for 2011 after the deadline to qualify was due on Friday, March 4. The second report for this calendar year was due by the close of business on Friday, March 18, 2011 and covers the period from February 26, 2011 to March 11, 2011. There was a report due on April 1, 2011, which was right before the election. The final report was due on July 5, 2011. As you will see, a number of candidates have also filed amendments to prior finance reports to clarify earlier errors or omissions. Archives
July 2011