Today is Arbor Day! Once again the City of Miami Springs has been designated a Tree City USA. When I started on the Council, we were in the first budget meetings and I asked where the money for the trees was. I was told that it was in there. I asked where. No one could answer until Tom Nash said, no, in fact, there was not money actually budgeted.
You see, the City would wait and see if they got a grant -- that was applied for yearly -- to see if we were going to plant trees. I found that unacceptable and since, we have had money to plant trees in our budget. Since I am no longer a member of Council, I suggest you look carefully at the proposed budget (in July) and make sure it has money for trees. Our canopy is priceless. It keeps us cool, and makes our neighborhood beautiful.
Today, we celebrated the planting of over 50 flowering trees at Morningside and Lake. I was asked to be the Master of Ceremonies (Mayor Richard Wheeler was last year). I was honored. These 50+ trees are trees that a member of the Board of Park and Parkways grew from seeds that dropped off of her flowering tree. In a few years, it will be a sight to behold. I have a couple dozen of these plants as well and I will be making a hedge in front of my house with them.
I encourage you to plant a tree this year -- the County actually provides free trees to residents. It is simple, really. Only by continuing to improve our canopy will we maintain Beautiful Miami Springs. (Thank you Wally Clark for the beautiful photo.)